Category Archives: Relationships

Fantastic Friday: A Little Happiness

It’s not often that I share videos with the blogosphere. For the most part they end of being a time-suck. However, I received a video recently that changed the type of day I was having.

My best friend sent it to me and Mike and I watched it together. Now that we live in Southern California, where the sexy people gather, it has even more meaning to us.

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Marvelous Monday: The Latest Transition

As you all know from my most recent posts, Mike and I just moved to San Diego from Peoria. I was going through my photos and realized how little of it I’ve actually shared with you guys! We have done so many awesome things this last couple weeks …

IMG_1475The bridge out of Peoria. Exciting and sad all at the same time. Bye bye Peoria, thanks for giving me so many amazing friends.

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Thinking Tuesday: Angry is a Habit

I am a very introspective person. For a long as I can remember, I have looked upon admirable people and analyzed why others respect and love them. I do the same for annoying, disrespected people. It may sound shallow but this process of defining my own character has made me confident that the person I am is the best kind of person I can be.

I have a distinct memory of walking to lunch in 7th grade. I was wearing my signature pink tank top with braids in my hair and I was walking with my friends. I wasn’t part of the popular crowd. They were all nice enough to me but I didn’t love their emphasis on disobeying your parents and “hooking up” with random other people in the group, so I tended to stay away.

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Mindful Monday: June Goals

It is quite amazing what a person can do when they just do a little bit at a time. These small monthly goals have given me direction when I can think of so many ways to try to better my life. They will be incredibly important in this newest transition as Mike and I move back to San Diego.

I’ve been away for long enough that I can start over. Most long-time friends from San Diego hardly know the person I’ve become over the last seven years. I now have a chance to create the best possible image of myself in their eyes. It may sound calculated and a little cold but, in reality, it’s quite the opposite. I value these people and their opinion of me and I’d love to show them the true, kind, loving, health-conscious person I’ve become.

So, in that vain, most of this month’s goals will focus on my first-impression. The nine areas I focus on in setting my goals are: family/relationship, career, finance, spirit, body, intellect, friendship, environment.

Previous Goals That Have Stuck:

  • Family: Set up weekly phone dates (or REAL dates now that I live back in SD!) with every immediate family member. (Read about it here)
  • Spirit: When I’m sad, stop thinking of the future. Just smile and try to make that moment happier.
  • Spirit: Remember to be happy when I succeed. (This is a work in progress but I’m getting there!) 
  • Spirit: Keep a treasure box and a travel magnet collection. (It keeps out the crap while allowing for nostalgia)
  • Body: Eat at least one raw meal per day. (Usually my smoothie)
  • Body: Have at least one entirely vegan day per week. (This is actually becoming multiple days per week)
  • CareerStop being late.
  • FinancePurge the crap.
  • Intellect: Create a folder for design inspiration. (I rearranged my Pinterest page and now keep a physical, non-digital folder for magazine articles.)
  • EnvironmentStop using paper towels.

June Goals:

  • FriendshipStop spewing my life details.
    When I meet new people, I get this overwhelming urge to tell them every detail of my life. For some reason I think they will benefit from knowing all the ways I handle hardship. In my old age I am realizing that most people have been through MANY more hardships than me. Maybe I should just stop to listen. Mike does this very well and it has taught me the value of just shutting my mouth for a bit.
  • FriendshipMake friends actively but slowly.
    Another huge problem I have is rushing to make friends in a new place. Now that I’m back home, I have the luxury of already knowing many awesome people. But instead of rushing around like a headless chicken trying to hang out with people, I’m going to take it slowly. Contact people and re-form relationships one by one. Who knows what close ties will come out of the woodwork.
  • FinanceKeep down the cost of moving.
    Moving can be SO expensive. With the amount we move, Mike and I need to learn to keep down our costs. We are going to limit our spending to whatever we made in the Craigslist sale of our Peoria apartment furnishings. It’s going to be very tough, especially since we have no idea what we’ll need yet. We’ll see how this one goes.
  • BodyContinue to do my 20 minute workouts every morning.
    My commute will soon be starting at 7.15am. This means I will have to wake up around 6 to get in my workout. I can and will continue my workouts by setting up a new routine. Prep the night before and be efficient in the morning.

Anyway, I forgot about Monday mornings. They are pretty tough. Time to head to work! Plaster a big smile on my face and bounce around with energy. Hopefully by the time I arrive at the office, my smile and energy will be real. Haha. Happy Monday everyone!

Love and a big smile – Ash


Blog Morphings and Ashley Life Update

Blog Morphings: Before I left Peoria, I was voicing a concern to my coworkers. What would my blog become when I wasn’t surrounded by health all day? It was so easy to produce content and be constantly researching and “in the know” when I’m giving exercise, nutrition, and chiropractic advice all day. My coworkers, in their infinite wisdom, just proclaimed, “you can do whatever you want!” Oh yeah! It’s my blog, my space, I can do whatever I want. MUAHAHA!

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Movin’ and Shakin’

Hey all! Thankfully I got a week off between jobs and am now in the process of a DEEP purge of our apartment. We have recently reorganized our finances and, concurrently, out priorities.

Right around that time we also went next door to have dinner at our neighbors. They are Indian and have very very little furniture and decoration. While the lack of color made me a little sad (white walls = bleh), it was also so relaxing to be in there! Spend your time doing productive and fun things rather than looking at, cleaning, an accumulating more STUFF.

So we have reevaluated out apartment. We are purging. No more stuff. Unnecessary crap that we keep to use once a year. It’s all going to be sold then donated.

Here is the pile so far. Plus many pieces of furniture.


On that note, until I get this all taken care of and my feet firmly on the ground in San Diego, this blog will be on hiatus. I will keep you updated when I can but until then … Enjoy the gorgeous weather! Get outside, exercise, eat all that yummy produce that’s coming out of the ground.

Enjoy life my friends. And see you in a week or so! Love and a big smile – Ash

Big News From Ashley

Ever since I started this blog, one month after we moved to Peoria, I have tried in earnest to love it. Of course, there are aspects of the culture here that make me feel a little out of place, but in every other respect, it’s a great city. The three things I continued to repeat to myself: there’s no traffic, cost of living is very low, the people are really nice. Oh how I underestimated that last one. Continue reading

Mindful Monday: How to Connect

Almost every job in life requires humans to interact with other humans. Certainly, once I learned to really connect with people, I excelled at my work. The first step is always to actually care about the people you’re working with or for. Continue reading

Mindful Monday: Time for a Change

My loved ones and regular readers know that moving to Peoria came completely out of the blue for me. This time last year I was cycling in Collegiate Nationals, packing for a trip to Italy, and finishing up my thesis. Then, suddenly I realized that I would do many crazy things to stay with that man I love, Mike. So we graduated, went to Italy, and then moved to Peoria. Continue reading

Mindful Monday: April Goals

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I still haven’t finished the book. It sits on my dining table, my bedside table, and the couch and every once in a while, I pick it up and read a chapter or two. But it’s not because it’s a slow read, it’s because I’m savoring it. There are very few books that make me feel the way this one does. It calms me but motivates me. It reminds me that my life is about making me happy and nothing else. I know it sounds selfish but a lot of making myself happy means helping other people be happy too. 🙂 I’m talking about the Happiness Project. It’s amazing. Read more about it in my Healthful, Happy, and Loving Project post.


So, as promised, I will continue my efforts by revising and adding to my March Goals.

First, My Commandments. I read a list of these every morning. It reminds me what to focus on when I start to lose my footing.

  • Just because it’s fun for someone else, doesn’t mean it’s fun for me.
  • Me is the perfect person for me to be. (< I realized that I don’t actually have a lot of trouble with this one)
  • It’s NOT “doing nothing,” it IS “active relaxation.”
  • Life is play, not an endless stream of work.
  • A true smile and laugh can change a whole conversation.
  • Want what I already have.
  • I don’t have to be good at everything
  • When I’m sad, stop thinking of the future. Just smile and make that moment happier.
  • Be happy when I succeed.

Second, a review of March Goals.

  • Take a 5-minute walk down the block, every morning between shower and work. SLOWLY. (This was amazingly effective. It slowed me down after rushing around all morning like a headless chicken. It helped me be more productive and relaxed during the work day.)
  • When I’m sad, stop thinking of the future. Just smile and try to make that moment happier. 
    (I actually didn’t have too many unhappy moments in 2 weeks but I anticipate that they will happen. So I’m adding it to the commandments.)
  • Choose a day of the week to talk to each parent and sibling. Like I do with Gran. (Did this!)
  • Read this list every day. (Great reminder and totally necessary for this project)
  • Remember to be happy when I succeed. (Something I DEFINITELY need to work on. This is added to the Commandments.)

And finally! My April Goals:

  • Continue the daily, 10-minute walks.
  • Create a folder for design inspiration. I read lots of design magazines and websites. Visiting the Frank Lloyd Wright designs in Chicago this weekend made me realize how much pent-up design energy I have. I want to have a folder on my computer for digital archives and a physical folder for magazine and newspaper articles. I’m hoping this will help me start sketching again too.
  • Learn to cook with the Vitamix: juice, smoothies, soup, and ice cream. I got my tax return so I’m going to buy it today. YAY!!
  • Finish the two health books I’ve been page through for the last 2 months.
  • Eat at least one raw meal per day.
  • Have at least one entirely vegetarian day per week.
  • Read this list every day.

I’ll keep you updated with part of this that are working and parts that aren’t. Did anyone else read this book and love it?

Ashley Life Update:
Mike and I spent this weekend in Oak Park, a suburb just outside Chicago. We were celebrating our 1-year anniversary and seeing a few sites that we hadn’t got to yet. We don’t know where we’ll be moving in June so we want to see as much of Chicago as possible. We stayed at an eccentric yet absolutely lovely Bed and Breakfast. I’ve been thinking a lot lately about opening my own Healthy B&B. To the extent that I’ve designed most of the rooms in my head and know the general rules that I’d like to operate under (ie. huge, comfy beds and soft towels, simple healthy meals, and a gym for sure). Now I just have to figure out where the money will come from. Hah.


Mike took the NRA intro to guns class I got him for Christmas well I slept off the lingering and oh-so-annoying flu. Then he met me at FLW’s Robie House in Hyde Park. That night was spent out on the town. We don’t like to party much but when we have a free night and a city full of entertainment, we take advantage. Mike treated me to a very chic, very delicious dinner at an underground jazz/prohibition bar and then we went dancing uptown.

Sunday (Easter!) was spent touring the FLW house and studio around the corner from our B&B and visited Trader Joes (man I miss that place!) before the 3 hour drive back to Peoria. We sort of just ignored easter. Much to my chagrin, without any kids or parents around, there wasn’t any good excuse for an Easter egg hunt.

I hope you all had relaxing and family filled holidays! Love and hugs – Ash