Monthly Archives: May 2013

Super Simple Spring-Time Roasted Veggies

In my pursuit to cut out grains and add lots of veggies, I’ve started subbing one for the other. Roasted veggies are a fabulous base for dishes like Tikka Masala, a fabulous topping for salads to make them warm and savory, and a fabulous side to any protein dish. They fill you up and don’t leave you feeling sluggish. Continue reading

Blog Morphings and Ashley Life Update

Blog Morphings: Before I left Peoria, I was voicing a concern to my coworkers. What would my blog become when I wasn’t surrounded by health all day? It was so easy to produce content and be constantly researching and “in the know” when I’m giving exercise, nutrition, and chiropractic advice all day. My coworkers, in their infinite wisdom, just proclaimed, “you can do whatever you want!” Oh yeah! It’s my blog, my space, I can do whatever I want. MUAHAHA!

Continue reading

Movin’ and Shakin’

Hey all! Thankfully I got a week off between jobs and am now in the process of a DEEP purge of our apartment. We have recently reorganized our finances and, concurrently, out priorities.

Right around that time we also went next door to have dinner at our neighbors. They are Indian and have very very little furniture and decoration. While the lack of color made me a little sad (white walls = bleh), it was also so relaxing to be in there! Spend your time doing productive and fun things rather than looking at, cleaning, an accumulating more STUFF.

So we have reevaluated out apartment. We are purging. No more stuff. Unnecessary crap that we keep to use once a year. It’s all going to be sold then donated.

Here is the pile so far. Plus many pieces of furniture.


On that note, until I get this all taken care of and my feet firmly on the ground in San Diego, this blog will be on hiatus. I will keep you updated when I can but until then … Enjoy the gorgeous weather! Get outside, exercise, eat all that yummy produce that’s coming out of the ground.

Enjoy life my friends. And see you in a week or so! Love and a big smile – Ash

Mindful Monday: A Week of Groceries Around The World

There is a photo series circulating right now. It is AWESOME. I originally hear about it from Mike, then a fellow natural living blogger (HumbleLore), and now I bring it to you.

Check out the differences in food, quantities, and if it’s processed … but also check out the families themselves. You can see the cultural differences, relations between male and female, adult and child, family leader and followers. Very, very interesting.

Get the original post here at WallToWatch.























Friday by Design: Where In The World Is AHappyLass?

I love social media. There’s something awesome about the fact that I can take a photo of the gorgeous flowers on my dining table and project that image to all my friends and loved ones. I guess I feel that it’s another way of encouraging people to live a more optimistic, thankful, healthy life. Or to at least help them get in that mindset for the 10 seconds they’re looking at my flowers.

So I’ve made it even easier for you, my loved ones and fellow bloggers, to connect in different ways. Check on the panel on the right for all the sites you can follow me on.


I hope you’re all planning a wonderful weekend. Love and a big smile – Ash

Big News From Ashley

Ever since I started this blog, one month after we moved to Peoria, I have tried in earnest to love it. Of course, there are aspects of the culture here that make me feel a little out of place, but in every other respect, it’s a great city. The three things I continued to repeat to myself: there’s no traffic, cost of living is very low, the people are really nice. Oh how I underestimated that last one. Continue reading

Workout Wednesday: Arm and Core Series

Last night we worked our core. Hard. And now that it’s starting to get warm out, everyone in class was sweating bullets. Working out in heat can be VERY draining, but it’s also amazing for removing toxins from your body. So lace up your shoes, fill a very large bottle of water, and glow with that hard-earned sweat 🙂 Continue reading

Tasty Tuesday: Maple Ginger Salmon

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I DON’T LIKE FISH. I found one recipe that I loved because it made it taste like chicken (Sweet Teryaki Salmon) but every one I’ve tried since then is so salty … and the texture, yuck.

But, alas, thanks again to the most awesome healthy chef, Sammie Kennedy, I have found and adapted another way to cook it that is SO delicious. Continue reading

Mindful Monday: How to Connect

Almost every job in life requires humans to interact with other humans. Certainly, once I learned to really connect with people, I excelled at my work. The first step is always to actually care about the people you’re working with or for. Continue reading

Fruity Friday: Blueberry Biscuits

This recipe came from a patient. She’s a mom of seven of the most well behaved children I’ve ever met. Not only is she kind and patient but she has managed to convert her entire family to a sugar free and very healthy lifestyle. She’s a mother, chef, teacher, AND she makes and sells these gorgeous wee dolls. Custom! Check them out here at Tabitha’s Needle. She’s pretty incredible. AND she had the skill to come up with the original of this amazing recipe.

These biscuits won’t spike blood sugar and are gluten free but do have a bit of cow dairy in them. That being said, they are savory with a bit of sweet and oh-so addictive. But that’s ok because they’re actually GOOD FOR YOU!

BlueberryBIscuits Continue reading