Category Archives: Uncategorized

Chia Seed Breakfast

Hi again! It’s been a while. 15 months actually. Over one year. That’s insane. I can’t believe how time has flown by. But I miss AHappyLass. And I’ve been dying to post this recipe. So without further ado!

Mike and I still eat the grainless Granola most mornings. But I started to get sick of it. Now I mix it up every Monday morning with overnight Chia Seed Breakfast.

It is SO delicious with a rice-pudding consistency and savory sweetness like oatmeal. It’s like my Monday morning dessert.

AHappyLass Chia Seed Breakfast 4

Chia Seed Breakfast (serves: 1)


  • 1 ripe banana (the riper the better)
  • 3 Tbsp chia seeds (whole)
  • 1 cup nut milk (freshly made cashew milk is amazing. thank you vitamix)
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 1 tsp cinnamon


  1. Mash up banana and add chia seeds on top.
  2. Add milk, then vanilla and cinnamon.
  3. Mix well and refrigerate for several hours or overnight.
  4. Top with something crunchy and ENJOY!

Tasty Tuesday and a Few Updates

Hey All! This post is all about updates. You’d be amazed how much time I spend thinking and talking about this blog. That means I have to keep everything current and my hope it that it only keeps improving.

On that note, here is an updated recipe that seems to be gaining some popularity.

Creamy Quinoa Salad -UPDATED

And, if you haven’t checked out my recipe page. Now is the time to do it. Revamped and now easier to read! Hopefully it will help you choose your dish based on what’s in your fridge.

Yummy Recipes

And now, I have to squeeze in some yoga before work. BUT, not before I leave you with an awesome photo. I’ve been saving this one for a while.


Baby Spider Monkey in a paddling pool! HAHAHAHA.

I hope you’re all having wonderful days. And don’t forget to smile 🙂 Love and a big hug- Ash

Tasty Tuesday: Creamy Quinoa Salad

Update 9/17/13: I am ashamed to admit that I didn’t actually try making this recipe before I posted it. My Aunty Nik cooked it and I demanded the recipe. Granted it’s still delicious, there are definitely a few tweaks that need to be made. Also, I’ve talked to two readers who have made it multiple times and improvised with whatever ingredients they have available. All their new dishes sound awesome! So don’t be afraid to throw in that last bit of cucumber of the shrimp you have leftover in the fridge, this recipe is great for that. And check out below for the tried and tested recipe.

My last Tasty Tuesday was a recipe cooked by my fabulous aunt. Well here is another one! It must be said that credit for that Summer-time Cucumber Recipe goes to another great chef, gorgeous Stella, and this one goes to a darling lady I’ve known since she was tiny, Jessica.

However, my Aunty Nik cooked them and man they were marvelous! This one is a deliciously creamy, fresh quinoa salad. It goes like this …

IMG_1556 Continue reading

Wednesday Workout: Arm and Core Series

For the most part, these 12-minute workouts have been total body. But sometimes it’s nice to work a muscle group to failure. And by nice I mean absolutely torturous but worth it the next week when you are undeniably stronger.

So today’s workout focuses on arms (my weakest area) and core. It’s really important to work all muscle groups but, as some of you may have heard, a strong core is essential to overall wellness. A strong core supports a strong spine, and all internal organs. It’s important for athletes, elderly people, recovering people, and YOU! Continue reading

Special Happy Birthday

I don’t usually post on Saturdays but today is a special day. It is the birthday of my Mom AND my best friend. So I had to let the world know that these two amazing women are turning another year older and wiser.


You are two of the most supportive, influential, and inspiring women in my life. I couldn’t chose two better women to become my backbone. I love you both SO much.

Also…here’s a little extra happy for your birthday 🙂


Thriving Thursday: Why Blog?

Since I started this blog in September 2012, so many people have asked, why do you spend such vast amounts of time writing that thing! Well first, yes, it takes VAST amounts of time to research and write this little love of mine. But there are so many reasons I do it.

Since I graduated with considerably less than zero money, this blog documents the varying ways I manage to make a healthy life and beautiful home for my boyfriend and I, without spending a fortune. It is the interior of my mind, a melding of food, workout ideas, design, and a little bit of much-needed inspiration. I can honestly say that I’m a very happy lass overall and I don’t want anyone to ever feel that they can’t reach that point too.

So yes, some of the recipes may be things you’ve seen before. And some of the workouts may seem overly simple. But that’s what I’m here for! To wade through the annoying, time-consuming, expensive stuff and present you with the entirely reachable and totally worthwhile. So please read! Maybe you’ll actually try something and love it. I do!

A few rules I obey:

  1. Never post anything I haven’t tried at least once (usually more than once).
  2. Show my reality. Never pretend that happy is easy, show the darker side of living life to the fullest.
  3. Only post facts that have been researched and supported by the most reliable sources.
  4. Have fun with it! This blog will never become taxing for me. If it does, I will change it.

Why the heck do I write this thing?

  1. I’m selfish! Writing forces me to continue learning. This blog helps ME become healthier and happier.
  2. I think I’m awesome. I live my life with dedication, love, and honesty. There a lot of people who should be doing the same. My hope is that a few of them become in inspired, through my words, to better themselves.
  3. My loved ones read this. I have loved ones scattered all over the world. This is for them to know where I am and what I’m doing. It’s impossible to talk to them all so this is me saying: “I love you!”
  4. I can figure YOU out. By reading your comments and gauging your responses, I know how to better serve people. How to reach the greatest number of people and how to help them be healthier and happier. So please comment!

And just for a laugh, I got this from my little sister, Makenna, the other day. I just can’t stop laughing.


Happy Christmas!


See below for a photo of Mike, my ridiculous siblings, and me. We are sitting in front of an atrocious yet awesome number of gifts. I can’t tell you how overwhelmed with love and appreciation I feel on this day. I hope all your days are/were equally wonderful.

321149_10152351078890258_302537771_n^ I’m the one in the back in the red sweatshirt. I was doing the true ugly face that I was taught by my best friend 🙂

Tuesday Recipe: Halloween Treats?

Halloween can be a daunting time for us “healthy ones.” Luckily I don’t have to worry about taking kids trick-or-treating this year but a lot of our patients and a lot of my readers do so here’s a quick guide to help limit the sugar in your kids’ systems:

Set an example by handing out “healthy candy.” However, DO NOT be the house on the block that gives out carrots or raisins. Some ideas for treats most kids love:

^Popcorn Balls – you do have to cook for this one but it’s really easy and they’re delicious.

^ Fruit strips – made of dried fruit and a replacement for fruit roll ups, they can be bought at pretty much any grocery store.

^Cocomels – from JJ Sweets, they are healthy and yummy. A bit expensive maybe to give to all the kids but a great idea for your own or even for Christmas gifts.

^ String cheese – what kid doesn’t love string cheese.

^ Natural Gummies – Surf Sweets sells a great version of natural gummy treats in the shape of spiders! But any natural gummi treat will do. I know this was one of my favorites when I scored on these as a kid.

^ Trail Mix – make your own with your choice of almonds, raisins, dried cranberries, walnuts, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, etc. Be sure to throw some chocolate in there (dark is best) so the kids don’t feel like they’re totally deprived!

^Crispy Rice Treats – click the link to find a great recipe from a fellow blogger. However, I highly encourage you to use healthy marshmallows with less sugar and cereal without any kind of ingredient with -ose on the end (ie. fructose, sucrose, etc).

Note: If you’re making the treats yourself, include a note to the kids parent’s of the ingredients so they don’t think it’s spiked.

Now, it’s inevitable that your kids get your hands on a fair amount of candy this time of year but how do you keep them from riding that sugar high for 12 weeks afterwards? I do not have kids so I really have NO IDEA, but I do have a couple of suggestions!

1. Give them a vacation night. Let them eat the candy. Let them work themselves into a sugar-induced coma. But while they’re there, ask them how they are feeling. Make them realize that the candy is making them sluggish, over-full, and cranky with a headache. Don’t harp on them, but for 5 minutes just try to help them realize the effect of the candy.

2. After their coma, give them incentives to “trade” the candy. For every 10 pieces, they don’t have to do their chore for the day. Something like that.

3. Ask them if they’d rather spend some time with you, cooking something else delicious that won’t make them feel like crap. Then proceed to make an awesome, fun desert (like the popcorn balls or crispy rice treats listed above) to make them feel that this is so much better.

Ok those are a few suggestions from a child-less 24 year-old. I hope they help a little bit! And I hope you all have an awesome Halloween!

What will you and/or your kids be dressing up as?


Happy Friday! Please Help…


Good morning/afternoon/evening (depending on where you’re reading this from) and welcome to my new blog layout. Isn’t it pretty?? I have been telling a lot of people about this blog lately and I really have no idea who is actually reading it! So today I have 2 [very easy] questions for you.

I want a ridiculous amount of posts on this. Please? Friends, family, strangers, anyone! This will help me a ton only if I get lots of comments.* To comment, click on the heading of this post and scroll down to the bottom of the page.


1. Which category of posts do you benefit the most from: fitness, nutrition/recipes, inspiration, gratitude, or design? You can click on the category links to the right if you have no idea what I’m talking about.

2. How often do you actually read this thing? Please be honest, I love writing but I only want to write as often as you read.

Also, any other critique or praise is welcome. I want to know what you guys think.


^ This is how excited I am about hearing back from you guys. Seriously.

Now wipe that frown off your face and smile!