Tag Archives: fitness

Workout Wednesday: 20-minute Total Body #6

Prelude: This day is always kind of a weird one. On one hand, 12 years ago was the first (and still the biggest) historical event to happen in my life. It was a horrific day that changed countless lives. On the other hand, America’s reaction, the coming together of a country, was pretty spectacular.

So today, I recognize the anniversary of the sadness and the loss but also of a galvanized country. Every September 11th, let’s remember what we’ve already been through and how we reemerged. Hold on to that unity. Have a chat with your neighbor, ask your coworker about their day, get excited about nothing with a child in your life … live it up, because you never know what will come tomorrow.

And on that note, I really hope that “living it up” includes doing a workout with me!

Here is our workout for this week. No weights or equipment required! Actually, you don’t even need much space for this. So clear some floor in you living room, dorm room, vacation bedroom, or even kitchen! There are no excuses to skip this one. When a workout uses only your body weight, you define the intensity.

Did you hear that?Ā When a workout uses only your body weight, you define the intensity. Your workout is only as awesome as the effort you put in. And those muscles you’re working for don’t just create themselves. Sweat is your friend! Now get at it šŸ™‚

20 minute total body 6

I hope you’re now panting and sweating. Have a happy day knowing you’ve already done your workout šŸ™‚

Wednesday Workout: 16 Minute Total Body #1

I know there are a few readers who come to this page only for the workouts. That makes me pretty happy because that means people are catching on to how awesome they are. It is very important though to vary your workout. Eventually, muscle memory gets the best of your body and your workouts aren’t as effective. The variation can be as drastic as starting a different activity, or as simple as switching up your intervals.

So this is the first of the 16-minute total body. Try to mix these in with the 20-minute workouts to keep your body guessing. Continue reading

Wednesday Workout: Total Body #2

Last Saturday was the second day of my Happy Bootcamp Workout. My head was a little more organized and we had a great workout. It was a scorchingly hot day and despite our shady spot, most of the ladies were dripping sweat by the end. Our post-workout smoothies were hard-earned.

Enjoy and feel free to comment with any questions!

20 minute total body 2

Workout Wednesday: Early Morning Sweat

I found the base for this workout on Pinterest. There are so many simple, at home workouts on there! It’s like a treasure trove for crazies like me. At this point, I can look at a list of exercises and know if it will be the right level for me. I had to beef this one up a bit. Continue reading

Workout Wednesday: Arm and Core Series

Last night we worked our core. Hard. And now that it’s starting to get warm out, everyone in class was sweating bullets. Working out in heat can be VERY draining, but it’s also amazing for removing toxins from your body. So lace up your shoes, fill a very large bottle of water, and glow with that hard-earned sweat šŸ™‚ Continue reading

Workout Wednesday: Spring Shape Up

Last night, at our workout class, we started the Spring Shape Up. Loads of patients are trying to get in shape for summer so to encourage them we issued a challenge: lose (at least) 5 pounds in 4 weeks and do it together. We have 30+ people doing it and it makes such a difference! Continue reading

Workout Wednesday: Keep on Keepin’ On

There’s a lot going on in the US right now. To think of a few things: Boston Marathon bombings, Texas explosion, Peoria flooding … Lots of sadness, but also, lots of kindness. Check out this awesome quote I found from Mr.Rogers.

ScaryMrRogers Continue reading

Wednesday Workout: Change of Pace

The weather is turning here in Peoria. It’s was gorgeous yesterday and now we’re getting some spring rain. I love being outside this time of year. Through the winter, all my workouts were indoors and I was fine with it. In fact, I loved it. But now I’m pining to get outside. So it’s time to switch it up.

Part of a lifelong commitment to working out is recognizing when you need a change. I am starting to get burnt out and need to start some new activities. So I will continue the 16-minute workout at least once a twice a week but maybe I’ll do it outside on the grass! I’ll also factor in some walks/runs and bike riding. It’s time to produce some Vitamin D!

And now ā€¦ the workout!

Beginner through intermediateĀ (12 minutes)

– 20 seconds on/ 20 seconds off

– each exercise 3 times in a row

AdvancedĀ (16 minutes)

– 30 seconds on/ 10 seconds off

– each exercise 4 times in a row


Squat Jump

1. squat jumps


2. push ups


3. squat sidekick


4. crunches (feet on ground, legs at right angle, or legs straight in air. LIFT YOUR CHEST and SHOULDERS, not your head and neck)


5. plie squat


6. plank (on hand and knees if too hard, with swimmer kicks if it’s too easy)

If you’re legs don’t burn, you didn’t work hard enough. I hope you’re having a fantastic day! Love and a big smile – Ash


Workout Wednesday: When NOT to workout

I’m still sick. On day 4 of this wicked flu. I have some awesome coworkers that covered the work I had to do in the office, thank goodness, but there’s no one else who can teach my workout class.

So I taught it in sweats with very little voice. I was much nicer than I normally am but they better not get used to it! I didn’t join them for the workout because my body is already trying so hard to recover that it really doesn’t need any extra strain. For an idea of when NOT to workout, check out this post by a great blog I read: The Guide to Knowing When to Workout or Not While Sick.

Anyway, I figured that I’ve posted enough of a variation of workouts that I could repeat a few every now and then. So this workout is the same as the post on February 13. It was a good one and every person in that room left sweating! I hope you enjoy.

Beginner through intermediateĀ (12 minutes)

– 20 seconds on/ 20 seconds off

– each exercise 3 times in a row

AdvancedĀ (16 minutes)

– 30 seconds on/ 10 seconds off

– each exercise 4 times in a row


Side Hops

1. side hop (jump fast and high)


2. good mornings (with or without weights)


3. leg lower (lose the ball on this one)


4. swimmers (looks funny but man does it work your core)


5. diamond pushup (do this on your feet, knees, or standing against a wall)


6. sit & pray (get low and put your weight in your heels)

Enjoy your day! Lots of love – Ash